You can also complete your Istanbulkart top-up transactions with, which is your biggest supporter in all your travels. For your urban travels, choose Of course, you can travel as you wish in Istanbul, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. However, with the privilege of, you can earn points on each of your trips and use the money you have accumulated on your next trip.
Making an Istanbulkart Money Load transaction has never been easier. All you have to do is to become a member and load your TL. Afterwards you can enjoy the journey.
After loading the desired amount of balance onto your Istanbul card, you can complete the last step of your card filling process and make your balance available by going to card filling machines (Biletmatik), card readers at smart stops or card readers at Istanbulkart Refill dealers.
Contact your Istanbulcard with any of the readers we mentioned and inquire about your balance. The entire amount you deposited in the pending loading instructions section will be automatically loaded to your Istanbulcard by the system.
If you would like to benefit from privileges and handle all your travel transactions in a few seconds, you can become a member and download our mobile application.