İstanbulkart Top-Up

Contact Info

Note: When you sign up by ticking the Sign Up option, your password will be sent to your e-mail address..

Instruction information will be sent free of charge via SMS and e-mail.

Bank / Credit Card

Istanbulkart Top-Up with Campaign

Don't forget to use campaigns. Top-up your balance with discount, top-up and continue earn. Keep ur eyes on advantages

Support After Istanbulkart Top-Up

We provide support with our call centers to actively transfer money to your card after your Istanbulkart money loading process.

The Most Affordable Istanbulkart transactions

Top-up your Istanbulkart in the fastest and safest way. We provide service with an interface and infrastructure where you can easily top-up.

Secure Istanbulkart Balance Loading

Your information is protected in an encrypted manner with SSL certificate and 3D security in payment methods. You can quickly take action with the registered information.

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Istanbulkart FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
You can create your order by selecting your Istanbulkart number you want to load and the amount to be loaded, and paying by credit or debit card.
The 16-digit number on the front of your Istanbulcard is the card alias and the 14-digit number starting with 04 on the back is the card serial number. Both tricks can be used to refill.
No, your order has not yet been transferred to your card. You can use the card filling machines (Ticketmatik) at Metro/Metrobus stations, card readers at smart stations, card readers at Istanbulkart dealers or card readers on buses to physically load the money in the top-up instruction onto your Istanbulkart.
Card readers in the metro and metrobus are offline readers used only to collect fares. It is not possible to "load instruction" from these readers.
Subscription loading is not possible at this time.