Cancellation & Change

By making an inquiry with your reservation number and surname on the "Reservation Inquiry/Cancellation" page; You can cancel your car rental. No refunds are made for cancellations made up to 24 hours in advance.
To go to the "Reservation Inquiry/Cancellation" page, follow these steps: "Travel >> Car Rental >> Reservation Inquiry/Cancellation" or click on the link ( ).
No refunds are made for cancellations made up to 24 hours in advance. The duration of your refund varies depending on your bank. Your refund will take 1-7 business days for credit cards; It will be reflected on bank cards within 1- 23 business days.
It takes 1-7 business days for the refunds to be reflected on your credit card by the banks; It may take 1- 23 business days for it to be reflected on your debit card. If your refund has not been received after the deadline, you can contact us at our call center at 0850 450 99 88.
No refunds are made for cancellations made up to 24 hours in advance. However, if the cancellation is made less than 24 hours before the vehicle pickup time; A deduction is made during the refund process.