Zaporozhye Flight Tickets

Information About Zaporozhye

Phone code
Plate code
Face Measurement
336,7 km²
Time period

About Zaporizhia

Zaporizhia is a city located in the coastal region of Ukraine, near the Dnieper River. It is the sixth largest city in Ukraine. Christianity religion has great importance in the city. Especially the Orthodox Church located in the city is one of the most important churches where Christians worship. In addition, there are the Intercession Church, Moscow Patriarchate and Kiev Patriarchate in the city. Also among the Orthodox churches are St. Nicholas Church and St. Andrew's Cathedral church is also of great importance. When we look at the city's livelihood, the automotive sector takes priority. Motor Sich is a world-famous aircraft engine manufacturer. It also provides a large workforce within the city. There are iron mines named Donets Basin and Nikopol manganese. One of the most important industrial complexes is Electricity. When we look at the places to visit, we can see the Cave Academic Drama Theatre, Gorki Zaporizhia Regional Public Library, and Zaporizhia Regional Art Museum.
Zaporozhye Flight Tickets FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
When you search for a flight ticket between the place of departure and Zaporozhye, you can choose the most suitable one from the list of departures.
Mokraya Intl Used on airport Zaporozhye flights.
Zaporozhye Weather
  • light rain
    light rain
  • overcast clouds
    overcast clouds
  • clear sky
    clear sky
  • overcast clouds
    overcast clouds
  • broken clouds
    broken clouds
on the map Zaporozhye
Zaporozhye Airports