Hong Kong Flight Tickets

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Hong Kong

Cheapest Hong Kong Flight Ticket Prices and Flights

Busan - Hong Kong
17 Apr 2025 - Hong Kong Express Airways
5,238 TL
Hong Kong Flight Ticket


Çin halk cumhuriyetinin güney kıyısında bulunan Hong Kong, Britanya Krallığına bağlı sömürge ve adalar gurubuna 1 Temmuz 1997 tarihine kadar bağlı olarak yaşamışlardır. 1 Temmuz 1997 tarihinden sonra Çin Halk Cumhuriyetine bağlı özel yönetim bölgesi olmuştur. Hong Kong adası, Kowloon Yarımadası ve 235 kadar küçük adadan meydana gelmiştir. Hong Kong, Asya’nın en büyük serbest pazarı, limanı ve en işlek ticaret, turizm ve endüstri merkezidir.
1997’ye kadar Çince ve İngilizcenin Kanton lehçesi, resmi olarak Hong Kong’da kullanılmaktaydı. Hong Kong’un resmi olarak kullandığı iki dil, İngilizce ve Çincedir.
Hong Kong Yemekleri
Hong Kong mutfağı ile Çin mutfağı arasında benzerliklerin olmasının yanı sıra, bazı farklılıkları da bulunmaktadır. Hong Kong’da yemek öncesinde ve yemek sonrasında yeşil çay içilmektedir. Hong Kong’da yemeklerin pişirilme tekniği de farklıdır. Yoğun ateşli fırınlarda sebzeler ve etler biraz pişirilip servis edilmektedir. Hong Kong’da yenilebilecek meşhur tatlar arasında; Dim Sum, Siu Mei, Congee, Noodles, Tong Sui ve sokak yemekleri vardır. Hong Kong’da genel olarak Kanton mutfağı hâkim olmaktadır. Deniz ürünleri hâkim olan Hong Kong mutfağın da ekstradan tavuk – ördek bacağı, denizanası, kurutulmuş mantar, köpek balığı yüzgeci, yılan çorbası gibi yemekleri de görmek mümkündür.
Hong Kong’da muson iklimi hâkimdir. Yazın sıcaklık ortalaması 28 derece kışın ise 15 derecedir. Bol yağışlı bir iklime sahiptir.
Önemli Şehirleri;
Çinin yönetimi altında, beş bölgeden oluşmaktadır;
  • Hong Kong Adası
  • Kowloon
  • New Territories
  • Lantai
  • Çevre adalar
Önemli şehirleri ise Hong Kong ve Kowloon’dur.
Hong Kong’da sanayi ve ticaret II. Dünya savaşından sonra çok fazla gelişmiştir. Hong Kong büyük bir ticaret merkezi olmasından dolayı sanayi hızla gelişmiştir. Ülke topraklarının %13 ‘ü ekime müsait olduğu için nüfusun ihtiyacını karşılama için meyve ve sebze ekimi yapılmaktadır. Elektronik pazarda önemli bir paya sahiptir. Hong Kong para birimi olan Hong Kong Doları, Çin para biriminden düşük olmasından dolayı, vergi olmaması nedeni ile elektronik alanında ihracatın kalbini oluşturmaktadır.
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About Hong Kong

When to Go

With its subtropical climate, Hong Kong's extremely hot summers have a sauna effect. This time of year also sees frequent monsoon rains and typhoons. The best time to travel to Hong Kong starts in mid-October and continues until the end of December. Temperatures are still warm between these dates, and the Chinese tourists who flocked to Hong Kong for the week-long national holiday are now gone.


Developed rail systems and buses operate between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon and the New Territory. Additionally, 27 different ferry services provide transportation to the surrounding islands. The most interesting among these transportation options is the 110-year-old tram line. This tram offers a quick city tour, passing through the most emblematic parts of the main island. Riding this nostalgic double-decker tram will cost you only $0.40. Payment for all these means of transportation is made with the Octopus card, which can be refilled at metro stations and dealers. Taxis are also a relatively affordable means of transportation, but it is difficult to convince taxi drivers to cross the port. It can be applied when all other options have been exhausted.


While July is the hottest month with an average temperature of 29°C, January is the coldest month with an average temperature of 16°C.

Things to Know Before You Go

Due to the large number of counterfeit thousand-dollar bills on the market, many store owners are reluctant to buy bills larger than 500 Hong Kong dollars. However, keep some cash aside. Many restaurants do not accept credit cards.


Cantonese, Mandarin and English


Type G (three-prong plug)


Hong Kong dollar (HK$)
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Hong Kong Airports

Hong Kong International Airport

Hong Kong International Airport (IATA: HKG) is the main airport of Hong Kong. It is located on the island of Chek Lap Kok. The airport is also called Chek Lap Kok Airport among the public. The reason for this is to distinguish it from the previous and closed Kai Tak Airport.

The airport, which replaced Kai Tak Airport, has been open to commercial flights since 1998. It is a major regional cargo hub, passenger hub and an important gateway to Mainland China (45 destinations) and the rest of Asia. This airport is the world's busiest cargo hub and one of the world's busiest passenger airports. It also has the largest passenger terminal building in the world.

HKIA also makes a significant contribution to the Hong Kong economy by providing employment opportunities to 65,000 people. From here, more than 100 airline companies carry passengers to more than 180 cities around the world. In 2015, HKIA hosted 68.5 million passengers, making it the world's eighth busiest airport by passenger traffic.

Land Transportation

The airport is connected to the interior of Hong Kong via the North Lantau Highway on the island of Lantau.
The automatic passenger transport system, operated by the Airport Directorate and maintained by MTR Corporation, connects the East Hall, West Hall and Terminal 2. In 2009, it was extended to SkyPier.


Citybus, New Lantao Bus, Long Win Bus and Discovery Bay Transit Service, which can be reached from Airport Ground Transportation Center and Cheong Tat Road, operate 25 different bus routes that provide transportation from the airport to different parts of Hong Kong. Bus companies also offer 10 night shuttle services.
Passengers can also take the S1 Citybus to Tung Chung MTR Station. From here, they can take the MTR Tung Chung line, which uses the same line as MTR Airport Express, to go to the center. This route is cheaper but takes longer.


Various ferry services are available from the airport via Skypier to different notes of the Pearl River Delta. Passengers using these services are considered transit passengers and are not considered to have entered Hong Kong. For this reason, transportation to the ferry terminal comes before immigration procedures for arriving passengers. Flight registration can be done at the ports. Initially serving only four ports - Shekou, Shenzhen Airport (Fuyong), Macau and Humen (Dongguan) - it was extended to Guangzhou and Zhongshan at the end of 2003. While the Zhuhai service was launched on July 10, 2007, the Nansha service was opened on July 14, 2009.


The fastest transportation from the city to the airport is the high-speed rail connection operating as part of the MTR rapid transit network. On this line, the train stops for short periods at Tsing Yi Island, West Kowloon, and Hong Kong Station terminals in the Central and Western Districts of Hong Kong Island. It takes 24 minutes to reach the airport from Hong Kong station. MTR provides free ring buses between the hotels area and Airport Express, and offers free transfers between MTR lines with a valid Octopus card. Octopus card is not offered to single ticket users. Flight registration services for major airlines are offered at both Hong Kong and Kowloon stations. There are also discounted promotions for annual group tickets.


All three taxis, which can be chosen with different colors, are in service at the airport:
The city taxi takes you to the airport and Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and some parts of the new districts Tsuen Wan, Sha Tin and Tseung Kwan O (city taxi can go anywhere in Hong Kong except Lantau Island).

New Territories taxi provides transportation between the airport and New Territories, except for the mentioned areas of Tsuen Wan, Sha Tin and Tseung Kwan O, where the city taxi goes.
Lantau taxi connects the airport with the rest of Lantau.
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