Tourism on its way; It was established in 2020 and is one of the youngest businesses in the industry. The company, headquartered in Istanbul, is a local organization operating between Istanbul and Tekirdağ. The bus company's slogan is "Everything on Time" and this approach shows the value it attaches to time. Its mission is to bring passenger satisfaction closer to luxury standards with its courteous and friendly staff. Its vision is to show that safe and comfortable travel is possible with the contribution of its employees and to receive positive comments from more customers every day than the previous day.
The company is making changes and progressing in its routes in order to continue its working life in its field. The locations to which the road transportation company regularly organizes trips upon popular demand can be listed as follows; Tekirdağ, Beylikdüzü, Yeniçiftlik, Silivri, TKD. Altinova, TKD. Değirmenaltı, Sultanköy, Kadıköy, Mersin and Harem.
Bus Fleet
Tourism on its way; With the distinction of being a brand new business in its sector, it has established a very dynamic and young vehicle fleet. The average age of their vehicles is one year and their equipment closely follows technology. The models of the buses are Travego.
Catering and Services
Tourism on its way; It creates a new era to catch up with world trends in service quality. The company, which is not indifferent to the wishes of its customers, has equipped all its vehicles with ergonomic seats that consider human comfort down to the smallest detail. You can watch series, movies or TV with the tablet devices on each seat. You have the possibility to listen to music and play games using these screens. You can benefit from unlimited tea, coffee, cola, fruit juice, cake and biscuits throughout the entire trip. USB ports and two hundred and twenty volt sockets have been added to all seats of the vehicles in the transportation company's vehicle fleet. You can use your technological devices through sockets to increase the fun of your journey.
To travel with the bus company, you can check and get the most advantageous tickets.
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