Yeni Sivas Tourism was established in 2015. The company, headquartered in Sivas, is known to provide safe and comfortable bus passenger transportation services. With the New Sivas Tourism service, traveling from one place to another will be both safe and comfortable.
Services and Programs
Care is taken to provide corporate service during, after and before the trip. By providing service that satisfies the passengers as much as possible, it is ensured that your journey is comfortable. It will also be possible to provide direct information about the journey.
- Bus Features: Bus features will be important for you in the service. Wireless internet is available on buses to prevent you from getting bored during your journey. With this feature directly on the bus, you can connect to the internet from your phone and travel comfortably along the way. Apart from this, TV screens are placed behind the front seat for each passenger. In this case, since everyone will have their own private seat, they can watch whatever they want directly on the TV screen. If you wish, you can also use the USB output on this screen. You will also be provided with special headphones for viewing. If you wish, you can ask the assistant. There will also be sockets for bus features. You can use these 220 V sockets to charge your computer or phone.
- Bus Refreshments: Another service that you will be pleased with during your journey is the provision of bus refreshments for you. Thanks to the bus refreshments, you will have the advantage of drinking and eating directly. You can benefit from these free treats. You can request it from the assistant whenever you want. Depending on the duration of your journey, refreshments may be given directly to you by the assistant.
Before the journey, many important features will be offered within the scope of
Yeni Sivas Tourism service, such as changing the flight of your ticket and deactivating the ticket outside of the journey. HakkınıSeferleri: Since departures and arrivals are made from many different cities and districts, we can say that a wide range of flights are organized. You can follow the flights offered for you and buy tickets online or directly from ticket sales points. If it is convenient, you can also benefit from the service offered by purchasing a ticket directly for the flight.
- Popular Flights: For the most preferred flights in general; There will be direct departures from many cities such as Ankara – Sivas, Istanbul – Sivas, Ankara – Yozgat, Ankara – Istanbul, Sivas – Sakarya, Manisa, Bursa, Düzce. By following these, you can make your journey take place on popular routes as you wish.
- Shuttle: In addition to bus services, it will be to your advantage to use the shuttle service. By evaluating the service options, it will be easier for you to access Yeni Sivas Tourism bus services directly. Thanks to the transportation options available at the bus terminal, you will easily reach the bus services directly. By evaluating this, you can ensure easy access from the bus terminal to the center or from the center to the bus terminal in a short time.
Intercity Accommodation Facilities
No management services are provided for intercity accommodation facilities. The facilities where the trips are stopped are determined according to the characteristics of the facility. When we look at it, we can say that the features that are important for you to spend time in the facilities, such as being clean and providing a qualified service, are important.
- Sink – WC: A toilet and a sink will be among the desired features. Care is taken to ensure that it is available in all recreational facilities. You can meet your needs during the breaks.
- Masjid: Care will be taken to ensure that there is a masjid in the area of the recreational facilities.
- Restaurant: For passengers who want to eat, service is offered within the scope of Yeni Sivas tourism intercity accommodation facilities . For this, you can also eat in restaurants.
- Market: There will also be a market on the premises for what you want to buy from the market. You can shop.
Bus Fleet
The bus fleet consists of 5 buses. In general, the journey is carried out with the Travego and Mecedes models. In this case, we can say that security will be fully ensured. You should know that there are features you are looking for, such as large luggage, wide aisles or comfortable seats. It is possible to have a safe and comfortable journey without any problems with
the Yeni Sivas Turizm bus fleet . Care is taken to ensure that there are technological and comfort features for each vehicle. You can buy tickets as you will be provided with the service you wish.
Araç rahattı sadece yiyecek ikramı yapılmadı tek yıldızı o yüzden kırdım
Çok memnun kaldım. Allah razı olsun. Rabbım kazadan beladan korusun.
İzmir de bulunan yazıhanedeki arkadaşlar müşteri yaklaşımı ve yardımların çok güzel. Arabayı şöfor rahat kullandı. Sadece muavin arkadaş yardım sever olmakla beraber ara da biraz yorgunluk olsa gerek biraz fazla tepki gösterdiği anlar oldu farklı müşteriler için. Genel anlamda memnun kaldım. Tşk.
Şoför beyfendi otobüs rahat tı tşkler tavsiye
Keyifli bir yolculuk gecirdim. Tesekkur ederim
Gayet güzel
Memnun kaldık çok teşekkürler
Tekli koltuk almış olmama rağmen çiftli koltukta yolculuk yaptım.
İlk defa seyahat ettim fakat aracın içini komple eşyalar ve valizlerle doldurular ücret karşılığında aldıkları eşyaları orta kapıyı tavana kadar doldurması biz yolcularım güvenliğini tehdit altına almışlardır. Her hangi bir yangın veya kaza durumunda yolcu tahliyesi nasıl yapacaklar ? Cevabını bulamadım siz yetikliler nasıl bulacaksınız? Şikayet üzerine ulaşta polis ve jandarma çevirdi 1 saat bekldikten sonra eşyaları kaptanların yattığı alana koydular sağlıklımı hayır kapatan uyumaz ise dinlenmez ise otobüsü sağlıklı kullanamaz kazaya davetiye çıkarmaktır.burdan seslenmek istiyorum sizler firma sahipleri buna önlem alın anadoludan gelen vatandaşların bagajı çoktur artı parayla alınan bagajlar mevcut önerim eğer bagajı çok ise yolcuya almayacağını alır ise ücretli bir şekilde sonraki gün gelen araca verilmeli insan hayatı bu önemli vicdanen o sorumluluğu alamazsınız inanıyorum sonrasında sağ salim geldik evimize teşekkürler
Gayet memnun kaldım keyifli bir yolculuktu teşekkürler ama meşrubat dağıtımında kek v.b birşey olsa daha iyi olurdu bunu uygularsanız müşteri sürekliliği olur onun harici güzeldi