Founded in 2020 by Vadi Kaya, a businessman from Gümüşhane, Vadi Şirinkent Turizm aims to increase the economic mobility of the region by connecting Gümüşhane to the surrounding area and big cities. The company, which was established by the merger of two companies operating in the passenger sector in the region, has entered into a rapid restructuring.
The company, whose flights are focused on Ankara and Istanbul, also stops at cities on these routes and picks up and picks up passengers. Vehicles departing between Istanbul and Gümüşhane stop at the following points;
They are Gebze, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Erbaa, Reşadiye, Koyulhisar, Water City, Şebinkarahisar, Alucra, Şiran and Kelkit. This trip takes 16 hours including breaks.
The settlements where vehicles traveling between Ankara and Gümüşhane stop are;
They are Çorum, Erbaa, Reşadiye, Koyulhisar, Suşehri, Şebinkarahisar, Alucra, Şiran and Kelkit. This trip takes 13 hours including breaks. Delays may occur on both routes due to weather conditions.
There are two-way flights between Istanbul and Gumushane every day. Ankara – Gumushane flights operate reciprocally every other day.
Bus Fleet
The company, whose buses are all current Mercedes Travego models, does not provide information about the current number of vehicles. All of the buses have a 2+1 seating arrangement, providing sufficient shoulder and leg room for a comfortable journey. In all buses, there are screens on all seats where you can watch movies or television or play games if desired, but there is no information about wi-fi internet service. Vehicles take two breaks during the journey. Breaks at contracted facilities last 30 minutes. The facilities have a market, a prayer room, a sink and a restaurant.
Catering and Services
The company offers various snacks and cold and hot drinks during the journey. Passengers can request a drink from the host or stewardess by using the warning lights.
If you are planning a trip between Gümüşhane and the two largest cities of our country and want to travel with the dynamism of Vadi Şirinkent Tourism, you can buy your specially priced ticket online very easily and quickly with You can use the application with your Android or iOS mobile phone or tablet, or you can go to from your computer and list all Vadi Şirinkent Turizm flights and quickly buy the ticket for the available seat on the flight you want.
Gönül rahatlığıyla tercih edebilirsiniz. Koltuk aralığı çok geniş ve rahat. Şoför muavin çok iyi. KÖTÜ YORUMLARA ALDIRIŞ ETMEYİN ŞUAN OTOBÜSTEN YAZIYORUM KESİNLİKLE ALIN. (Para karşılığı veya zorla yazmadım :)). )