Van Otogarı Bus Ticket
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Van Otogarı About Information
Phone number
0432 223 17 84
Akköprü, Van Otogarı, 65030 Van Merkez/Van
Most Popular Van Otogarı Bus Trips
Van Bus Terminal
There is a distance of 2 kilometers between Van bus station , which is the starting or destination point of your trip, and the city center. Public transportation such as minibuses and minibuses are the shortest and fastest methods you can choose to reach the bus station. If you wish, you can reach the city center on foot.

Transportation from City Center to Van Bus Terminal
If you cannot reach the bus station with your personal vehicle, there are 2 different transportation methods you can follow. You can check whether the company you purchased your ticket from has Van bus services that provide transportation to the bus terminal, and choose the services that suit you. If your bus companies do not have any access to Van bus terminal, you can choose public transportation methods. You can choose one of the following routes to reach Van bus terminal by public transportation:- Kömürcüler, Düzyol, Şahbağı minibus lines: These lines depart from Beşyol in the İpekyolu district and stop in front of the main entrance of the bus terminal. After getting off the minibuses, you can reach the bus departure point after a few steps walking distance.
- Campus, Industry and Station shuttle buses : Campus, Industry and Station shuttle buses depart from many different points of the city center in Beşyol and drop you off at a place very close to the main entrance of the bus terminal. After getting off the shuttle cars, you can reach the departure point of the buses you will travel on after a 3-5 minute walk.
- Pedestrian road: There is a distance of 3-4 kilometers between the city center and the bus station. The road, which corresponds to a walking distance of approximately 20-30 minutes, is one of the transportation options you can choose.
Transportation from Van Bus Station to City Center
Some Van bus ticket companies have shuttle services that provide transportation from the bus station to the city center. If you do not want to benefit from these services, you can use public transportation such as minibuses and minibuses. Public transportation vehicles that provide service in line with the routes followed by the services included in Van bus ticket prices to reach the city center are listed below. You can easily reach the city center by following one of these routes.- Kömürcüler, Düzyol, Şahbağı minibus lines: You can easily reach the city center with the Kömürcüler, Düzyol, Şahbağı minibus lines that depart from in front of the main entrance of Van bus terminal. These minibus lines reach the city center after a 6-10 minute driving distance.
- Campus, Industry and Station shuttle buses : You can reach different points of the city center with the Campus, Industry and Station shuttle buses that depart from a place very close to the bus terminal.
- Pedestrian path: After leaving the main gate of the bus station, you can reach the city center in Beşyol by walking for 20-30 minutes.
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