Konya Otogarı Bus Ticket

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Konya Otogarı About Information

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Yazır, Doç.Dr. Halil Ürün Cad., 42250 Selçuklu/Konya

Konya Bus Terminal

Konya Bus Terminal is very close to the city center due to its location. It is possible to provide direct transportation to many cities of Turkey from this bus terminal, where different bus companies provide service. You can choose your personal vehicle or city bus lines to reach the city center from Konya Bus Terminal.

konya bus terminal

Transportation from City Center to Konya Bus Terminal

There are different company options from which you can buy Konya bus tickets. The route options you can use to reach the terminal can be listed as follows:
  • Passenger Shuttles : Some bus companies offer passenger shuttle services. These services allow passengers to reach the bus terminal from the city center.
  • Tram Line : Konya tram line continues to operate on weekdays and weekends. There are two different tram routes between Alaaddin - Selçuklu University and Alaaddin - Adliye. There are also night services between the university campus and the bus station. You can choose the tram line for quick transportation from the city center to the terminal.
  • Bus Lines No. 59B, 60A, 96A and 97B : Konya bus terminal bus companies pick up and drop off passengers at the city terminal. There are 59E, 60A, 96A and 97B city bus options that you can use to reach the terminal. The stop, which is within walking distance, is located very close to the entrance gate of Konya Bus Terminal.
  • Minibus Services : Minibus lines serving between the Bus Terminal and Campus route are widely preferred in urban transportation. You can also choose minibus services for bus services in the early morning or late evening.

Transportation from Konya Bus Terminal to the City Center

Konya bus ticket prices may vary depending on the company and transportation location. You can choose the following routes to reach the city center from the terminal:
  • Passenger Services : Some bus companies have special passenger services. These services allow passengers to reach the city center from the bus station in a short time.
  • Tram Line : Konya tram line continues to operate on weekdays and weekends. There are two different tram routes between Alaaddin - Selçuklu University and Alaaddin - Adliye. Night services between the campus and the bus station are also available. To get to the city center quickly, you can choose to take the tram from the bus station.
  • Bus Lines No. 59B, 60A, 96A and 97B : Konya bus services have various alternatives for transportation to the city center and districts. To go from Konya bus station to the city center by bus, you need to choose one of these lines. The stop, which is within walking distance, is located very close to the entrance gate of Konya Bus Terminal.
  • Minibus Services : Minibus lines serving between the Bus Terminal and Campus route are widely preferred in urban transportation.
The fastest and easiest way to get to Konya Bus Terminal from the city center is to use the tram. When you take the tram and get off at the Bus Station, you will be very close to Konya Bus Terminal. You can use the tram line to complete your journey without being affected by traffic congestion.
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