Ankara Otogarı Bus Ticket

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Ankara Otogarı About Information

Phone number
Beştepe, Mevlana Blv., 06560 Yenimahalle/Ankara

Ankara Bus Terminal

Transportation between Ankara bus station and the city center is very practical. You can easily reach the central points by taking the Kızılay direction of Ankaray. In addition, you can reach the center by using minibus and bus lines. You can check out Ankara bus service options from the bus station. Ankara bus ticket prices may vary depending on the route you choose.

ankara bus terminal

Transportation to AŞTİ from the City Center

To reach AŞTİ by public transportation, you can choose the following routes within Ankara bus terminal :
  • Bus lines : You can reach EGO buses departing from Kızılay, Opera and Sıhhiye regions and following the Eskişehir route and going to directions such as Sincan, Etimesgut and Çayyolu, by getting off at the Armada stop. You can also reach the minibuses departing from Ulus, Sıhhiye and Güvenpark and following the Eskişehir route and going to directions such as Sincan, Etimesgut and Çayyolu, by getting off at the Armada stop. Bus number 104-4 makes short trips in the morning and once at night. Bus number 107-6 leaves every hour from 12 at night until 5 in the morning. Bus number 106-1 operates from 8.20 in the morning to 11 in the evening.
Bus number 557-3 departs from Nallıhan to Ankara at 6.00 in the morning and makes its last trip in the evening. Bus number 419 operates from 6.20 to 22.00, while bus number 158 operates at certain hours on weekdays and weekends. Bus number 479 operates every hour from 06.30 in the morning to 19.40 in the evening. Buses 445-1 and 445-2 operate at certain times. Bus number 442-3 provides continuous service day and night.
  • Transfer from metro to Ankaray : You can easily reach the bus terminal by transferring to Ankara from Kızılay Ortak station.
  • Minibus lines : If you want to go to AŞTİ Bus Terminal by minibus, you can get off at Armada stop. You can reach AŞTİ with one of the vehicles operating on the Islahevi-AŞTİ or Ulus-Eskişehir Road routes.

Transportation from AŞTİ to the City Center

  • Ankaray : You can reach Kızılay directly from the bus station with this line.
  • Bus lines : 107-6, 442, 513-1, 513-2, A1-D, A1-G lines provide transportation between the bus station and certain central points. With these lines, you can travel between Gölbaşı-Toki-Aşti-Akköprü-Ulus, Aşti-15 July Red Crescent National Will Square-Airport, Sincan-Beşevler, Dikimevi-Aşti.
  • Minibuses : These lines allow you to reach many regions and points from the bus station. You can use the minibus stops located close to the bus terminal.
The fastest and easiest way to reach Ankara Bus Terminal from the city center may be the Ankaray line. When you take Ankaray directly from Kızılay, you can travel within AŞTİ. Since this line is a means of transportation that is not affected by traffic density, you can consider this option, especially if you are going to travel during busy hours.

You can use the metro line or other means of transportation to reach Kızılay. You can choose these options if your current location is closer to the bus terminal by bus or minibus. You can reach different places from Ankara bus terminal bus companies . You can examine the Ankara bus ticket options and choose the one that suits you.
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