Martur Trz.Ltd.Şti. Bus Ticket
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Martur, Türkiye
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Martur Trz. Ltd. Ltd. About

Martur Trz. Ltd. Ltd. The company was established in 1996. The company, which has been in service for more than 20 years, provides intercity bus travel services. The headquarters of the bus company, which serves on 2 continents, is located in Mardin.
Services and Programs
Martur Trz, serving with over a thousand employees. Ltd. Ltd. It provides service in 20 provinces and 50 districts. Since necessary care is taken to ensure customer satisfaction, qualified service is provided. In order to ensure safe intercity travel, journeys are completed with the most special vehicles.MARtur Trz. Ltd Bus Features;
You will want the service offered to you on the bus to be the best. We can say that comfort is extremely important for long journeys. The bus has the necessary features for a comfortable journey. You will see that there are features determined for each bus. Having wireless internet means that you can use the internet free of charge along the way. Of course, each passenger is provided with a private TV screen and USB. You can evaluate these features to complete your journey comfortably. You can watch TV and listen to MP3 on buses.Martur Trz. Ltd. Bus Refreshments;
You may want to drink water, hot and cold drinks during your bus journey. For this purpose, there will be a service offered directly. Since the assistant will serve you regularly, you can request the drink you want whenever you want. You can request drinks during regular corridor checks. Martur Trz within the specified time period. Ltd. Ltd. You will see that refreshments are served as part of the service . If you wish, you can also buy sweet and salty food options. It is also possible to submit your requests during the service provided. You can act as you wish.Expeditions
Depending on your destination, you can make choices such as departure point and destination. Following these selections, you can purchase your ticket directly from the flight features.- Intercity Flights: The flights organized are intercity. By choosing the city you want to go to, you can choose Martur Turizm among the trips. Inter-city and inter-district flights are organized in 20 provinces and 35 districts. By reviewing these trips, you can ensure that your journey is both comfortable and safe. On average, there are 8 main departures per day. By stopping at different stops on 8 main flights, passengers are provided with transportation services directly to the places they want to go. It provides flights with an average of 320 passengers per day.
- Urban flights; Service is also provided for customers who come to the bus station or want to come to the bus station during the day, with the organized shuttle services. The service offered to you allows you to reach the center or bus terminal faster and safer. For this, you can benefit from the shuttle service directly by getting information about the city shuttle routes.
Intercity Accommodation Facilities
Accommodation facilities are important to ensure the comfort of passengers. Martur Trz. Ltd. Ltd. There is no service offered directly within the scope of intercity accommodation facilities . Service is provided through recreational facilities of private companies. For this reason, it is possible to choose accommodation facilities carefully. You will see that many of the features you need come together in recreational facilities that can be used without any problems. You can meet your toilet, sink and similar needs. You can meet your needs in a wide area in the recreational facilities located in the masjid. You are expected to act according to break times. It is possible to eat and do grocery shopping in intercity accommodation facilities. Keeping these in mind, you can move around the facilities with peace of mind.Bus Fleet
The features that should be present in the bus fleet, such as almost all of the vehicles in the bus fleet having technological competence and ensuring their safety meticulously, have been determined. Martur Trz. Ltd. Ltd. There are 35 vehicles in the bus fleet . You should know that all of these buses are offered without compromising comfort. The vehicles, which make more than 5800 trips per year, ensure customer satisfaction. The bus fleet, which has large luggage, also has wide aisles and comfortable seats, ensuring your comfort along the way. It is important to include quality vehicles in the bus fleet.Show Less
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