Traveling connects us to our loved ones. On these journeys, the person on the road should not lose track of time as much as the person watching the passenger. For this reason, whenever you are going to travel, you need to question how safe, comfortable and quality the company you will travel with is. As with everything, it is necessary to do good research when traveling. How many years a travel company has been in service, what it pays attention to while providing service, the quality of its vehicles and the friendliness of its staff should be questioned. For this reason, it is useful to research the company you will travel with thoroughly.
This journey, which started in 1984 and continues until today, combines years of experience and offers convenience and comfort to its customers. As a result of the union of the Travel, Simav and Gediz districts of Kütahya, they became partners with 40 respected members and started this business with the Mercedes 0302 bus brand they purchased. The company, which has not experienced or caused any problems for 25 years, has always succeeded in ensuring customer satisfaction.
Kütahyaliler Seyahat mostly serves the western regions of our country, and among the places it travels are; There are Ankara, Bursa, Eskişehir, Gebze, Gediz, İnegöl, Kula, Kütahya, Salihli, İstanbul, İzmir, İzmit, Simav, Turgutlu and Sakarya.
Kütahyalılar Seyahat, which started to institutionalize rapidly in 2008, started by renewing its buses. Mercedes TRAVEGO buses were preferred to ensure that customers always feel comfortable. Although there were many travel companies in the region when it was founded, the company has become a travel company that has managed to survive and become a window opening to the outside world of its region.