The company, which was put into service in 2008, was founded by Mehmet Çakıroğlu in Kahramanmaraş. The company, which has a small-scale transportation network, integrates the innovations required by technology in order to increase customer satisfaction. It works with staff who are respectful and friendly to their guests throughout the journey. It aims to ensure that passengers have a nice trip. It also has a work discipline that motivates its employees.
The company's flights are made mutually between Malatya and Kahramanmaraş. It is a company that is known and trusted by passengers and whose reputation is well-known in Kahramanmaraş and its surroundings.
Bus Fleet
The bus fleet consists of young buses and there are 7 vehicles in the fleet. The average age of the vehicles is 5 years. In addition, the vehicles, which are regularly maintained and cleaned, are very hygienic and well-equipped in terms of passenger health and safety. The brand of the vehicles is Mercedes-Benz.
Catering and Services
Thanks to the screens on the seats, journeys become even more enjoyable. Music is broadcast from the seats. Thanks to the comfortable seats, passengers can travel more comfortably. In addition, satellite broadcasting is made on personalized 10-inch screens. There is also a reading light for guests who want to read a book or newspaper. It is also possible to use the internet with constant access. Small packaged snacks and beverages are served in the vehicles during the journey. offers you the opportunity to buy company tickets and compare them with other companies. You can easily buy your ticket from with peace of mind.
Hayatımda ilk defa bu kadar rahat uzun yolculuk yaptım özellikle de 11 eylül pazartesi günü 16:45 de kahramanmaraş otogarından hareket eden aracın şöförü emekli bı amca hayatımda tanıdığım sayılı güzel adamlardan biriydi yolculuk boyu tatlı bir muhabbetle geldik yolculuk yapacak vatandaşlar gönül rahatlığıyla tercih edebilirler
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