Antalya is one of the most popular tourist cities in Turkey with its natural beauties and historical buildings. This city, also known as the pearl of the Mediterranean, offers its visitors a pleasant holiday experience with its delicious food. Now let's see what to eat in Antalya.

What to Eat in Antalya? Which Dishes Are Famous?

The answer to the question of what to eat and which dishes are famous in Antalya is hidden in the rich cuisine of the city. In Antalya cuisine, which developed under the influence of the Mediterranean cuisine, seafood, vegetables and meat come to the fore. Some of the unique flavors of the city are:

antalya market

Antalya Piyaz

Piyaz, one of Antalya's most popular dishes, is prepared with fine bulgur, onion, tomato, cucumber and pepper. It is usually served with meatballs, chicken or fish. You can visit here for the recipe.
burnt ice cream

Burnt Ice Cream

Burnt ice cream, unique to Antalya, is one of the most popular flavors of the city. This ice cream is made from milk, sugar and salep and is traditionally cooked in copper pots. During the baking process, the top of the ice cream is slightly burnt. This gives the ice cream a distinctive taste and aroma. It is especially made from goat's milk.

Sprinkled Pastry

Sprinkled pastry got its name because the dough is made by hand tossing. While minced meat pastry contains minced meat, onion, tomato, pepper and spices, cheese pastry contains feta cheese, parsley and spices.
Antalya style pumpkin dessert

Antalya Style Pumpkin Dessert

The feature of Antalya style pumpkin dessert is that it contains tahini. It is especially served with walnuts and tahini. Antalya style pumpkin dessert is one of the most popular desserts in Antalya. This dessert is made with pumpkin, sugar and lemon juice.
sour fish

Sour Fish

Fish sauce is made from fish such as bonito, mullet and bluefish. Fishes; It is cooked with lemon juice, onion, garlic, pepper, tomato paste and spices. Fish dip is usually served warm and consumed with bread. The characteristic of sour fish is that it is marinated in a sauce containing lemon juice.
tomato civet

Tomato Cive

Tomato civet is consumed especially in the summer months. It is made with tomatoes, onion, garlic, pepper, tomato paste and spices. Tomatoes are cooked in a pot with onion, garlic, pepper and tomato paste. After cooking, spices are added and left to cool. Tomato civet is usually served warm and consumed with bread.
arab kadayıf

Arabian Kadayıf

Arabian kadayıf is a type of dessert specific to Antalya. This dessert is made from thinly rolled dough like a crepe and filled with walnuts or peanuts. The Arabian kadayıf is then fried in hot oil and served with sherbet poured over it.


Hibeş is a dish consumed as an appetizer in Antalya. It is made with ingredients such as tahini, lemon juice, garlic, cumin and red pepper. Hibeş is usually served with bread. You can thicken the consistency by adding olive oil or water to balance the sourness.


Bağaça is a local bun traditionally consumed during Ramadan in Antalya. Since it is made using chickpea yeast, it does not upset the stomach and keeps you full for a long time. It is a profession that is passed down from generation to generation by professionals called Bagaçacı in a master-apprentice relationship.
Pumpkin soup with milk

Pumpkin Soup with Milk

Pumpkin soup with milk is made with ingredients such as milk, flour, oil, salt and pepper. Zucchinis are cooked by grating them or chopping them into small cubes. The consistency is given by adding milk, flour and oil. It is flavored with salt, mint and black pepper. It is usually served by adding mint after being placed on the plate.
stuffed laba

Stuffed Laba

Stuffed labada is a local dish of Antalya. The leaves of the Labada plant are filled with a stuffing prepared with rice, onion, garlic, tomato, pepper, tomato paste and spices. Stuffed vegetables are cooked in the oven.
hülüklü soup (gülüklü soup)

Hülüklü Soup (Gülüklü Soup)

Hülüklü soup is a soup that spreads from Alanya district of Antalya to the world and stands out with its taste and satiety. Hülüklü soup, which is frequently consumed on special occasions such as weddings, funerals and mawlid, is also one of the popular delicacies of the tables in daily life. Gülük or hülük are small meatballs prepared with ingredients such as minced meat, onion, garlic, egg, salt and pepper, and are fried and added.