Turkey is a country that stands out with its geographical vastness and historical richness. This vast geography makes one feel the existence of different cultures, traditions and lifestyles in various regions of the country.

This diversity of Turkey also shows itself in the provincial license plate codes. Each province has its own unique license plate code, and these codes provide an orderly classification of the country. Provincial license plate codes play an important role in registering vehicles and other vehicles, determining addresses, and even in some official transactions.

In this article, we will examine the license plate codes according to the provinces of Turkey in detail and discover what these codes mean for each province. We will also provide information about the history of license plate codes and how they are determined.

What are License Plate Codes and How Are They Determined?

Plate codes are a numerical system used to identify the provinces where vehicles and vehicles are registered. Vehicle plate codes in Turkey began to be used with a regulation that came into force in 1962. This regulation aimed to facilitate traffic management and order by creating a standard system for recording and identifying vehicles.

So how are license plate codes determined? The determination process involves sorting based on Turkey’s provincial borders. Each province is represented by a number between 1 and 81, and this number forms the license plate code for that province. The order is not based on the geographical location of the provinces, but rather on historical and administrative significance. For example, Ankara is represented by the license plate code 06, while Istanbul is represented by the code 34.

Determining the license plate codes in this way allows the registration of vehicles and other related processes to be carried out in an orderly manner. In addition, traffic control and management can be carried out more efficiently thanks to this system. The license plate codes of Turkey according to various provinces do not differ according to the size or importance of the provinces; on the contrary, they are in a certain order and sequence.

List of Plate Codes by Provinces in Turkey

You can access the license plate codes of all cities with the Türkiye province license plate code list below.
01 Adana
02 Adiyaman
03 Opium
04 Pain
05 Amasya
06 Ankara
07 Antalya
08 Artvin
09 Aydin
10 Balikesir
11 Bilecik
12 Bingol
13 Bitlis
14 Bolu
15 Burdur
16 Bursa
17 Canakkale
18 Cankiri
19 Corum
20 Denizli
21 Diyarbakir
22 Edirne
23 Elazig
24 Erzincan
25 Erzurum
26 Eskisehir
27 Gaziantep
28 Giresun
29 Gumushane
30 Hakkari
31 Hatay
32 Isparta
33 Mersin Icel
34 Istanbul
35 Izmir
36 Kars
37 Kastamonu
38 Kayseri
39 Kirklareli
40 Kirsehir
41 Kocaeli
42 Konya
43 Kutahya
44 Malatya
45 Manisa
46 Kahramanmaras
47 Mardin
48 Mugla
49 Mus
50 Nevsehir
51 Nigde
52 Army
53 Rize
54 Sakarya
55 Samsun
56 Siirt
57 Sinop
58 Sivas
59 Tekirdag
60 Slaps
61 Trabzon
62 Tunceli
63 Sanliurfa
64 Servant
65 Van
66 Yozgat
67 Zonguldak
68 Aksaray
69 Bayburt
70 Karaman
71 Kirikkale
72 Batman
73 Sirnak
74 Bartin
75 Ardahan
76 Igdir
77 Yalova
78 Karabuk
79 Church
80 Osmaniye
81 Duzce

Usage Areas and Importance of Plate Codes

Plate codes are part of an important system that has many functions in daily life. Each vehicle has a plate bearing the plate code of the province it is affiliated with, and these codes are used in various areas.

Function in Daily Life:

  • Traffic and Vehicle Registration: License plate codes play a fundamental role in vehicle registration processes. Since each vehicle has a specific provincial license plate code, this code identifies the place where the vehicle is registered and its owner. During traffic inspections, the origin of vehicles can be quickly determined thanks to the license plate codes. This system ensures that traffic regulations and penalties are implemented in the province where the vehicle is registered.
  • Official Documents: License plate codes are also included in official documents related to the vehicle. License plate codes are used in documents such as vehicle registration, insurance policies and traffic tickets. In this way, all official transactions and documents related to vehicles can be associated with the correct province and registration information.
  • Personal Identification: License plate codes are also used for personal identification of vehicles. For example, authorities who want to get information about the owner of a vehicle can query the registered information using the license plate code.
  • Tax Procedures : Calculation and collection of taxes such as motor vehicle tax are made based on the license plate.

Local and National Importance:

  • At the Local Level: License plate codes are used to monitor vehicle mobility and traffic patterns between provinces. Local governments can track where vehicles are concentrated through license plate codes and make traffic regulations accordingly. These codes are also important for city parking regulations and local traffic controls.
  • At the National Level: Plate codes play an important role in organizing national traffic management and statistics. Vehicle registration information and traffic data are collected and analyzed through plate codes. This data is used to develop traffic safety measures and determine traffic policies throughout the country. In addition, plate codes ensure the implementation of various national-level legal regulations regarding vehicles.