Didim is a district located on the Aegean Sea coast in western Turkey, and stands out with its historical and natural beauties. Located within the borders of Aydın province, Didim has a rich cultural heritage dating back to ancient times. With the deep blue waters of the Aegean Sea, golden beaches and historical ruins, Didim has become one of the favorite places for both local and foreign tourists.

Didim stands out as one of the most popular holiday destinations in Turkey, with its variety of places to see. We can say that it is the perfect place to plan a great holiday. You can compare the options that suit your budget among Didim hotels with your family, easily book your holiday and have a pleasant summer.

Didim, which draws attention with its beaches and sea, is also known for being a very rich region in terms of historical places. Didim, which has a history dating back to ancient times, has important historical ruins such as the Temple of Apollo. In addition, the natural beauties around Didim will make your holiday even more enjoyable.

It is very easy to get to Didim. You can get here with your private car or public transport. The nearest airport is Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport. There are bus services from the airport to Didim. You can also easily get there by purchasing a Didim bus ticket from many cities in Turkey.

So, what are the places to visit in Didim, what can be done in this cute district? Come, let's discover the hidden paradise of Didim together.

1.Temple of Apollo

Temple of Apollo

The Temple of Apollo in Didim is an important ancient structure located in the Didim district of the Aydın province of Turkey. It is known as one of the largest and most important oracle centers of the ancient world. This magnificent structure fascinates its visitors not only with its architectural features but also with its historical and cultural importance.

History and Importance of the Temple of Apollo

The Temple of Apollo was dedicated to Apollo, one of the ancient Greek gods. Construction began in the 6th century BC and was completed in the 4th century BC. The temple is a sacred area built in honor of Apollo in ancient times and is a very impressive structure.

Destroyed by the Persians in the 5th century BC, the temple was later rebuilt. However, this magnificent structure, which was never completed, amazes visitors even with its ruins that have survived to this day.

Architectural Features and Experiences Offered to Visitors

The temple is considered one of the classical examples of Greek architecture and is particularly notable for its size and ornamentation. In addition, the oracle center located in this temple is also quite famous. The Temple of Apollo in Didyma is known as one of the most important oracle centers of the ancient Greek period and, similar to the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, oracles were made here.

One of the most striking features of the temple is its columns with the head of Medusa on them. Today, its ruins are of great interest both historically and architecturally.

Visitors to the Temple of Apollo have the opportunity to experience the fascinating atmosphere of the ancient world. Many historical artifacts unearthed during excavations in and around the temple provide visitors with important information about life in that period. Concerts and events held in the temple courtyard provide visitors with unforgettable moments.

2.Altınkum Beach: Didim's Most Popular Holiday Spot

Altinkum Beach

One of the first stops for those who come to Didim, Altınkum Beach offers its visitors an unforgettable holiday experience with its golden sands and deep blue sea. Altınkum Beach is a popular beach located in the Didim district of Aydın province of Turkey. It takes its name from the fine, golden sands of the beach. Located very close to the center of Didim, Altınkum Beach is preferred by both local and foreign tourists.

Features of Altinkum Beach

Altınkum Beach is one of the indispensable stops for tourists coming to Didim. It offers unforgettable moments to its visitors with both its natural beauties and the opportunities it offers. If you want to have a quiet and peaceful holiday, Altınkum Beach is just for you. Let's see what awaits you at Altınkum Beach.
  • Length and Width: Altınkum Beach, which has a wide coastline stretching for kilometers, has a wide area where you can comfortably sunbathe and enjoy the sea.
  • Shallow Sea: The sea of the beach is generally shallow, which means it is a safe swimming area, especially for children.
  • Clean and Well-maintained: The beach, which is regularly cleaned by Didim Municipality, offers a clean and hygienic environment to its visitors.

Activities to Do at the Beach and Surrounding Facilities

There are many restaurants, cafes and bars around Altinkum Beach. In these places, you can taste local and international cuisine, listen to live music and have fun. There are also markets, souvenir shops and hotels around the beach.

There are many activities you can do to spend your time at the beach. Here are some:
  • Sunbathing and Swimming: Altınkum Beach is an ideal place to sunbathe and enjoy the sea. You can rent a sun lounger and umbrella to relax comfortably and enjoy swimming in the cool waters.
  • Water Sports: You can find many water sports activities such as water skiing, jet skiing and banana boating at the beach.
  • Beach Volleyball: You can have fun and keep fit by playing volleyball on the beach.
  • Walking and Cycling: You can have a pleasant time on the walking and cycling paths that extend along the beach.
  • Diving: The many diving spots around Didim are ideal for those who want to discover the beauties of the undersea world.

3. Ancient City of Miletus

Miletus Ancient City

Didim is a very rich district thanks to its history as ancient cities. One of these, the Ancient City of Miletus, is one of the most important ancient cities on the Aegean coast with its location close to Didim. It has great cultural and historical importance not only for Turkey but for the whole world.

Visitors to the ancient city of Miletus have the opportunity to experience the magical atmosphere of the ancient world. While walking among the ruins, you can travel back in time and imagine how people lived at that time. You can also experience the magical atmosphere of the ancient theater by participating in the events organized.

The ancient city of Miletus fascinates its visitors with both its historical importance and natural beauty. If you are interested in history and want to explore the ancient world, you should definitely visit Miletus.

History and Cultural Importance of the Ancient City of Miletus

Miletus is known as one of the most important city-states of Ionia. The city, which was a center of navigation, trade and philosophy in ancient times, hosted important thinkers. The birthplace of philosophers such as Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes, Miletus is considered the cradle of philosophy.

Although the city was inhabited since 2000 BC, it experienced its brightest period in the 7th and 6th centuries BC. However, due to the alluviums brought by the Büyük Menderes River, its port was filled and the city retreated inland over time.

Miletus was an important center not only for trade and navigation, but also for art, philosophy and science. The philosophers who grew up in the city made great contributions to science and philosophy. Miletus also witnessed important developments in the arts such as theater, music and literature.

Ancient Theatre, Baths and Other Ruins

There are many ruins that have survived to the present day in the ancient city of Miletus. The most notable of these are:
  • Ancient Theatre: The Ancient Theatre of Miletus is one of the largest theatres of its time. Famous for its excellent acoustics, the theatre still hosts various events today.
  • Phaistos Baths: These baths, dating back to the Roman period, reveal the living conditions of that period. The hot, cold and steam rooms of the bath can still be seen.
  • Agora: The social and commercial center of the city, the agora was where the people of Miletus came together and traded.
  • Temple of Dionysus: Dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine, this temple shows his importance in the religious life of Miletus.
  • City Walls: The city walls surrounding Miletus were an important part of the city's defensive system.

4. Didyma Ancient City

Didyma Ancient City

Didyma Ancient City is a historical settlement located in Didim, the pearl of the Aegean, and known as one of the most important oracle centers of the ancient world. Identified with the Temple of Apollo, Didyma has hosted many civilizations for centuries and has a rich cultural heritage.

The History of the Ancient City of Didyma and Its Connection with Apollo

Didyma's history dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. However, the city's brightest period began in the 6th century BC, when the Temple of Apollo was built and became famous as a center of prophecy. Didyma stands out not only as an ancient city but also as a religious center.

According to legends, Apollo, the god of prophecy, taught the secrets of prophecy to his beloved shepherd Branchos. Shepherd Branchos founded this temple in the name of Apollo. In that period when prophecy was very common, statesmen would go to the temple to learn the outcome of the war before going to war, and the sick would go to the temple and consult the prophecies to find a cure. Priests and priestesses would prepare for the rituals by washing the temple months in advance, sacrifices would be made during the ritual, people would write their wishes on a piece of paper, and after the ritual, which was accompanied by sacred songs and special rituals, the priestesses would convey the message of the gods to the person who made the wish in the form of a poem.

Suggestions and Guidance Services for Visitors

There are many suggestions and guidance services for those who want to visit the Ancient City of Didyma.
  • Visiting Period: The best time to visit Didyma is during spring and autumn, when temperatures are milder and crowds are fewer.
  • Rent a Guide: You can rent a guide to better understand the ancient city. The guides will give you detailed information about the importance of historical buildings, statues and other ruins.
  • Museum Card: If you are planning to visit different museums in Turkey, it will be advantageous to get a Museum Card. With this card, you can visit the ancient city of Didyma at a more affordable price.
  • Comfortable Shoes and Hat: Don't forget to wear comfortable shoes and a hat to visit the ancient city. Because you will be standing for a long time and walking under the sun.
  • Water and Snacks: Don't forget to bring water and snacks with you. It is important to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, especially in the summer months.
  • Camera: Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the unique beauty of Didyma.

5.Bafa Lake

Bafa Lake

Lake Bafa is a unique natural beauty located in the western part of Turkey, within the borders of Aydın and Muğla provinces. The lake, which was separated from the sea by the alluviums brought by the Büyük Menderes River, attracts attention with both its natural beauty and historical richness.

Lake Bafa Natural Beauties

Lake Bafa, together with the surrounding mountains, forests and wetlands, forms a unique ecosystem. The shores of the lake have an indented structure similar to the shores of the Aegean Sea. The vegetation around the lake consists of maquis and shrub formations specific to the Mediterranean climate. Olive trees, pine forests and various maquis plants add visual richness to the region.

The lake is also home to many bird species. It is possible to observe flamingos, pelicans, herons and many different bird species in Lake Bafa, which is an important accommodation and breeding ground especially for migratory birds. Among the fish species living in the lake are species such as bass, catfish and eel.

Activities to Do in Lake Bafa

To have a pleasant time and be in touch with nature during your visit to Lake Bafa
  • Bird Watching: Bird watching is one of the most enjoyable activities that can be done in Lake Bafa. You can observe birds from the observation towers and designated points around the lake. Especially during migration seasons, it is possible to see hundreds of birds flying in the sky.
  • Nature Walks: Lake Bafa nature walk is an ideal option for those who want to do physical activity and be in touch with nature. While walking on the paths around the lake, you can enjoy the unique views, listen to the sounds of birds and witness the natural beauty of the region.
  • Bicycle tours: You can rent a bicycle and pedal around the lake and enjoy nature.
  • Boat tours: You can explore the lake from a different perspective by taking a boat tour on the lake.
  • Camping: You can stay in touch with nature by camping in the designated camping areas around the lake.
  • Fishing: You can enjoy fishing in the lake by getting a fishing permit.

6.Aquarium Bay

Aquarium Dark

Located on Turkey's magnificent coastline, Aquarium Bay is an indispensable destination for nature lovers and sea enthusiasts, drawing attention with its clear waters and rich underwater life. So, what makes Aquarium Bay so special? Let's discover it together.

Clear Waters of Aquarium Bay

Aquarium Bay gets its name from its transparent and clear water, which resembles an aquarium. This clarity, combined with the cleanliness of the water and the variety of marine life, offers visitors an unforgettable experience. The bottom of the bay resembles an underwater museum with its colorful corals, starfish and various fish species. Especially for snorkelers and scuba divers, Aquarium Bay is a treasure waiting to be discovered.

Diving and Snorkeling

Aquarium Bay is considered one of the best spots in Turkey for diving and snorkeling. The shallow water and generally calm waves provide a safe environment even for beginner divers. The rocks, caves and coral reefs located in different parts of the bay will further enrich your diving experience.

7.Priene Ancient City

Priene Ancient City

Priene Ancient City is known as one of the best preserved ancient cities in the Aegean Region. Priene, which draws attention with its regular city structure planned by the architect Hippodamos, is one of the best examples of the urban planning concept of the ancient period.

Urban Planning of the Ancient City of Priene

Priene was built according to the "Hippodamus Plan" by the famous Miletian architect Hippodamos. According to this plan, the city was designed to consist of right-angled streets and regular plots. This plan became an example for many cities in later periods and was considered an important turning point in the history of urban planning.

Important Buildings

One of the most striking structures in Priene is the Temple of Athena. Built in the Ionic order, this temple draws attention with its perfect proportions. The Temple of Athena is considered one of the most beautiful examples of ancient Greek architecture.
Some of the other interesting structures you can see in the ancient city:
  • Theatre: It is one of the best examples of ancient Greek theatre. It is known for its excellent acoustic properties.
  • Agora: The social and commercial center of the city, the agora was where people came together and traded.
  • Bouleuterion: This is where the boule, the city's administrative body, holds its meetings.
  • Gymnasium: It is a building used for sports and education purposes.
  • Temple of Demeter: Dedicated to Demeter, the god of agriculture, this temple was one of the important centers of worship of the city's people.